Managed Care Business Models 101 - Digital Therapeutics & Health Technology

The video titled "Managed Care Business Models 101 - Digital Therapeutics & Health Technology" on the channel Carenodes provides an in-depth discussion on healthcare business models, focusing on managed care, and is aimed at healthcare entrepreneurs, especially those new to the sector.

Unlock the complexities of healthcare business models with 'Managed Care Business Models 101 - Digital Therapeutics & Health Technology,' a comprehensive guide available on the Carenodes YouTube channel.

This video is an essential resource for healthcare entrepreneurs, particularly those transitioning from other sectors, offering deep insights into the financial underpinnings of the healthcare industry, managed care, and the importance of ethical considerations in healthcare administration. Learn from an experienced healthcare administrator about navigating the healthcare ecosystem, understanding where money flows within the sector, and how to position yourself and your startup for success. Whether you're a clinician looking to grasp the business side of healthcare or an entrepreneur aiming to innovate within this complex field, this video provides the knowledge, practical advice, and ethical framework needed to make a meaningful impact. Dive into the intricacies of managed care, from payer-provider contracting to the shift towards value-based care, and gain the skills to demystify healthcare's challenges. Start transforming your understanding of the healthcare business today by watching 'Managed Care Business Models 101' and take the first step towards mastering the business of healthcare.

Here's a summary of key points covered in the transcribed part of the video:

  • Introduction to Healthcare Business:

    • The video begins with an overview of healthcare business, emphasizing the importance of understanding where healthcare money comes from and one's role within the healthcare ecosystem.

    • It's specifically designed for healthcare entrepreneurs, including those with varied backgrounds, highlighting the steep learning curve and business side of healthcare that is often overlooked by clinicians.

  • Speaker's Background:

    • The speaker shares their extensive background in healthcare administration, including managing clinics, overseeing hospital networks, and working with health plans. This diverse experience underpins the insights shared in the presentation.

  • Key Concepts Discussed:

    • Healthcare as a Personal and Nuanced Field: The importance of hands-on, job-based learning over theoretical knowledge.

    • Navigating the Healthcare Ecosystem: For newcomers, understanding the ecosystem's complexity and finding one's place within it is crucial.

    • Importance of Demystifying Healthcare: Emphasizes the need for transparency and understanding in healthcare, drawing an analogy with a cave that becomes illuminated the moment a match is struck.

  • Ethical Considerations:

    • A significant portion of the video is dedicated to ethical considerations, urging participants to take healthcare seriously, understand their roles, and always prioritize patient well-being.

  • Managed Care and Its Components:

    • Managed care is defined, and its components are outlined, including payer-provider contracting, credentialing, and network development.

    • The video explains the managed care department's role in ensuring that healthcare providers are credentialed and contracted with health plans.

  • The Business Side of Healthcare:

    • The speaker dives into the financial aspects of healthcare, explaining managed care's focus on cost control and the shift towards value-based care.

    • Various healthcare financing mechanisms are discussed, with an emphasis on understanding the flow of funds within the healthcare system.

This summary covers the first part of the video. There are more pages available, indicating additional content not included here. If you're interested in more detailed information or specific parts of the video, please let us know!

Alex Yarijanian

Alex Yarijanian's career in the healthcare industry is a striking example of leadership, innovation, and dedication to improving health outcomes through strategic initiatives and operational excellence. Over 15 years, Alex has played a pivotal role in transforming payer-provider relations and advancing value-based care models, aligning with a vision where healthcare is accessible and equitable for all.

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